Picture of Executive Board Members of the IJHS , August 2014


This is the picture of all members of the Board of the International Jew’s harp Society,Taucha, August 9th 2014
Hình chụp ban chấp hành của hội đàn môi quốc tế, tại tỉnh TAUCHA (Đức), ngày 9 tháng 8, 2014
Hàng ngồi (seated row) : Philippe Dallais, Kim Borisov
Hàng đứng (standing row) : Trần Quang Hải, Nikolai Shishigin,
Mindigafur Zaynetdinov, Harm Linsen, Olga Prass, Franz Kumpl, Michael Wright, Ivan Alexeyev, Spiridon Shishigin, Svein Westad, Johnny Cope

In this picture , Aron Szylagyi from Hungary, Luca Recupero from Italy, and Deirdre Morgan were not in the picture . They are also board members of the IJHS.DSC02910

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